Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 2 - Cadillac Ranch (Amarillo, TX)

Our next stop right outside of Amarillo was Cadillac Ranch. It's an art installment of ten Cadillacs sticking out of the ground at an angle in a row in the middle of nowhere. 
Yes, this is what they were referencing in the Pixar movie.
I had visited before, but there's so many ways to have fun with a bunch of cars sticking up out of the ground.
Jodie being photogenic.
There were a few other tourists with spray cans (yes, you can spray them) painting their initials on the cars. Sometimes people get creative, and sometimes people come with their children and just make everything wet and sticky.
Layers and layers of spray paint + Texas sun = sticky and unpleasant to touch.

Drippy tire.

We all took turns trying to be original, but we're pretty sure everything's been done when it comes to this landmark.
Paint cans lined up along the top of one of the cars.
Me on a painted car.

Jodie and I.
The twins.

Jodie and I being delicious.
Less successful result of a cute siblings photo.
We took a few attempts at mid-air pictures.
Jodie anticipating the fall.

Gavin wins this round.

We even chipped off a few pieces to keep as souvenirs.
Frown, smile, smile.
Gavin found a few spray bottles that still had some paint in them, so he decided to make an art.
Gavin sprays the car.
Making use of the gold spray paint.
And then planked over it.
What a troll.
We'll always be sure to stop by Cadillac Ranch every I-40/Route 66 trip.
Beasts from the East.

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